Eyes Wide Open

This morning, I made the intentional choice to carry my meditation routine along the serene canal. Despite the allure of hitting the snooze button, the beckoning of the sunrise and the necessity to kickstart my day propelled me out of bed. Engaging in a moment of gratitude, I closed my eyes and expressed profound thanks for the vessel that is my body. Appreciation flooded through me for the blessing of good health, the warmth of relationships, and the presence of individuals who significantly impact my world.

As I sit there, immersing myself in gratitude for the blessings of today, a single deep breath suddenly interrupts the most peaceful moment. Suddenly I opened my eyes to find a big, beautiful dolphin gracefully rising to the surface just in front of our boat dock. Overwhelmed by a rush of emotions, I am struck by the realization of all the intricate circumstances that aligned perfectly to create this magical encounter.

Keep your eyes wide open throughout the day so you don't overlook the abundance of beautiful details waiting to be appreciated and embraced with gratitude.

Want to try your own Gratitude Meditation?

Finding a Comfortable Position

  1. Begin by finding a comfortable seated position.

    • You can sit on a chair with your feet flat on the ground or cross-legged on a cushion.

    • Rest your hands gently on your lap or knees.

  2. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in.

    • Feel the air fill your lungs, and then slowly exhale, releasing any tension you may be holding in your body.

    • Continue to breathe deeply and naturally, allowing your body to relax with each exhale.

Centering Your Mind

  1. Bring your awareness to the present moment.

    • Notice the sensations of your body sitting and the rhythm of your breath.

    • If your mind starts to wander, gently guide your focus back to your breathing.

Invoking Gratitude

  1. Think of something you are grateful for.

    • It can be a person, an experience, a personal strength, or a simple pleasure.

    • Picture this in your mind and focus on the feeling of gratitude it brings you.

  2. Allow this feeling of gratitude to expand.

    • Imagine it spreading from your heart to your entire body, filling you with warmth and joy.

    • Take a moment to truly savor this feeling, letting it wash over you.

Deepening the Practice

  1. Reflect on different areas of your life.

    • Consider your health, relationships, work, and any other areas that come to mind.

    • Identify specific things in each area that you are thankful for.

  2. Express silent thanks.

    • For each thing you identify, take a moment to silently say, “Thank you.”

    • Feel the sincerity of your gratitude as you express these thanks.

Closing the Meditation

  1. Gradually bring your awareness back to your surroundings.

    • Notice the sounds and sensations around you.

    • Wiggle your fingers and toes, and when you feel ready, gently open your eyes.

  2. Carry the feeling of gratitude with you.

    • As you go about your day, try to remember this feeling and let it influence your actions and interactions.

  3. Take one final deep breath in and out.

    • Smile, knowing you’ve taken this time to nourish your mind and spirit with gratitude.

Remember, gratitude is a practice that can bring positivity and peace into your life. The more you practice, the more naturally it will come to you, enhancing your overall well-being.


Footpath Reflections: Unveiling the Soul of a Sidewalk