Sunday Thoughts
Sunday thoughts:
Whether it’s manifestation, visualization, or another concept that is similar; we want to believe that God magically shows up when we ask. I’m actually seeing people in the “entrepreneurial space“ speak this concept, and I think it’s pure BS to be honest. 
Existentialism is a very interesting concept as far as people's beliefs go and how realistic someone’s beliefs can be for validating their life or who they think they are. Sometimes people think who they are is purely what they do but it takes a whole person to enter that role; or a healing person. Sometimes through your healing, you are able to help those you used to be; if they’ll have you.
I like to think that a person can validate their beliefs so much and think about it so much that they actually make it a reality. What you think about and work towards becomes your reality just like your personality. Personal traits, developed over time, acted upon daily, and reinforced by who you think you are that’s who you will be. This can change but it will take everything you’ve got to make a new reality the case. And it’s hella easy to slip back into the old personality if you’re not careful. On the work- if it’s the only thing you can think about it, what do you think you’re going to work on the most?
The one common thread and all of this is putting in the work. Recently I saw a visualization come to fruition it’s been 3 1/2 years in the making I knew this was it about six months ago. But with all the steps in the right direction, the risks taken, giving up seemingly everything we had worked towards, for some blind vision that we didn’t know if it was gonna work out takes a lot of faith, hard work, investment, and giving it all you’ve got. Some people will say that’s when the real work begins. But I think it takes work the entire time at the same level if you ever hope to “make it” - and when you think you have, a new level of hard enters your space. Continuously leveling up is what being better is partially about anyway.
So next time you think to yourself “I’m just waiting on god to give me a new vision” put your ego aside and start the work on developing the vision. Through whatever your beliefs warrant - prayer, visualizing what you think you want (god may change this for you) and not giving up or sitting idly by waiting. But it doesn’t just happen and it won’t magically appear in your lap during a trip or some special occasion. God has already prepared the plan- (here’s where I changed “no he’s just preparing you”) now you have to step up and help prepare yourself to take on the role.
Hope these random musings help someone out there. Happy Sunday fam jam!
-Words by Rachel Gilmore, check out her website for more information.